This summer, The Word Factory’s series of ‘Sunday Writing Prompts’ enters its third year! Over this time we have evoked, intrigued, baffled and startled a wealth of brilliant writing from our followers.
If you don’t yet subscribe to The Word Factory’s Instagram account, get involved in the action at @thewordfactoryuk, but to give you a taste of some of our Sunday Writing Prompts, choose your favourite(s) from these five images and see where it leads you. We would love to hear what you came up with…

Character: A name can define a character and give them specific characteristics which will develop your story. Charles Dickens was a master of the charactonym creating characters such as Mr Gradgrind, Bob Cratchit and Pip. Think of some names for characters and then write a description about them which clearly depicts key character traits.

Box: Back in December 2018, we ran a mini-series of one word writing prompts. What do you think might be contained behind these locks? Why are they hidden here? From whom?

Tomorrow: What does the future hold? What will be taken? What will abide? I love this picture… The lurid colour and reeling buildings provide a real seam of ambiguity!

Forgotten Voices: Try to tell a story about a historical event from a different perspective or consider whose story has yet to be told at all. Research an event which happened on this day in history as a starting point or maybe something local in the area you live.

Superstition: From Sleeping Beauty through The Monkey’s Paw to Blood Brothers, superstition’s suggestion of the supernatural provides the impetus for a range of stories that are uncanny without losing credibility. If superstitions were groundless, wouldn’t we stop believing them? But are they curses that prove inevitable? Or prisons we can break free from?