Should be nicer out! So here’s some things to get out to. Probably won’t be that nice! Here’s some things to do in…
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Quick! This is on 8th April so book this sharpish! Leon Craig is a brilliant writer and the nicest person in the world (as we found out at The Word Factory when our Lily interviewed her).
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We mentioned this back in the winter (it started significantly on December 10th) but it’s still going! a fantastic exploration of the short story with the master himself, George Saunders.
Read this
This is THE best book for everyone interested in short story craft. Seven of the best stories in recent years, each followed by a Paris Review-style interview with the writer discussing how they wrote it.
Listen to this!
This is a new Podcast to us – brilliant short stories read by actors. We listened to ‘The Necropolis Railway’ by Tabitha Potts and found ourselves nicely chilled!
Compiled by Tom Conaghan. If there is something you’re doing that Word Factory followers should know about, email him at email hidden; JavaScript is required