Leone Ross writes magic realism, erotica and literary fiction. She has published two novels, All The Blood Is Red (ARP/Actes Sud) and Orange Laughter ((Anchor/Farrar Straus & Giroux/Picador USA). Orange Laughter was shortlisted for the UK Orange Prize and named by Wasafiri magazine as one of the most influential British novels of the last 25 years. Her short fiction has been shortlisted for the V.S Pritchett Prize and Salt Publishing’s Scott Prize. She has judged the Manchester Fiction Prize and the Wimbledon Bookfest Short Story Competition. Ross’s latest work is short story collection, Come Let Us Sing Anyway (Peepal Tree Press, 2017), described by the Guardian as ‘searingly compassionate’. The Times Literary Supplement declared Ross ‘a pointilliste: a master of detail’.